Wednesday, May 8, 2013


The secret of Maasai River Campsites is in our local products

How could we claim to offer on our campsites all the cakes and foies gras of our regions? All the markets and recipes, all the monuments, all the leisure activities, all the local festivals, rivers, lakes and mountains! The days of the “campsite ghetto” are over! We want you to enjoy all the wonderful things around us!

The great egg hunt

From March  to May.

On Easter holiday, it's the great Easter egg hunt at Maasai campsites Ludewa.

A sweet tooth knows no age !

A gift for you when you arrive

 Between the 1st a December  and the 15th of January, Maasai River Campsites Ludewa is celebrating its regions. And to celebrate your minimum one-week stay in a mobile home, chalet or canvas bungalow, we are reserving one of our gifts just for you. Each Maasai campsite has its speciality, gastronomy, decor, crafts... So, a real surprise awaits on your arrival.

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